NZ 2013drop by drop

From Waitomo to New Plymouth

A short bush walk to start the day.
The walk is a 30 min return, but was about 2 h for me as I did some photos.

Pict: Waitomo river flowing thru a natural tunnel


On side roads I made my way south.
A phantastic landscape invited itself for a panorama. While shooting the farmer approached and we talked for half an hour.
Finally he was asking me whether I would sell the property if I would be in his position.
The obvious first answer would be „no“ looking at the property and at the view offered, but the second answer was different. Background - Another dairy farmer wants this property to herd cows. That farmer has many farms already. So I was asking him, why not taking the money and working for the other guy as long as he wants? He got a big smile and said, that’s funny I say this, as this is his secret idea.

Pict: The farmer’s delight

Pict: The Cow Shed


On the road a sign to Waitanguru Falls invites for an additional route.
For 23 km no car to see only grandiose landscape.

Pict: The omnipresent fern

Pict: Farmer with humor. These guys are 2m length

Pict: Weitanguru Falls

Pict: Detail

Pict: Picturesque Landscape


The three sister are on my list for tomorrow, but as I pass by I see low tide (they can only be approached in low tide) and I change plans to do it now. A wise decision as it turns out on the next day.

Pict: The three sisters (in the hazy background Mt. Taranaki)

Pict: Beach

Pict: Detail


2013 HPTrum