NZ 2013drop by drop

New Plymouth - a day off

Making my way through the coffee shops of New Plymouth.

Heaven was crying.

Snapshot photography today.
Nothing to publish. I have got no model releases.


Rain comes down for the next couple of days.
I adapted my plan to cover the essentials for this vacation.

Essential is to hike the Tongariro Crossing.
I had this planned for Monday 9th, but because of an early morning low tide situation at the Coromandel ( the only one at that time while I am down here), I pushed the Tongariro Crossing out to Dec 12th.

Someone didn’t like that. He took care that Monday 9th is the only one sunny day during the next couple of days.

Guess what - I moved back to the initial plan. Monday is blocked for the Crossing.
That reminds me of one of my favorite quotes
„Stick to the plan“.


2013 HPTrum