NZ 2013drop by drop

Rotorua & Weimangu

„Good Day“

Overcast skies with blue spots.
Moving on to do some photos.

I am in Rotorua today.
I drove the short distance to Weimangu. Have been there already in 2005.
A location concentrating insight into seismic activity. No geyser though , but an area stinking like boiled eggs. Happy and offering beautiful sights.

Pict: Pan Crater

Pict: Fern tree above Crater
Pict.Laughead bush
Pict.: Survival fight
Pict.: Marble Terrace

Pict.: Marble Terrace II
Pict. Marble Terrace
Pict.: Warbrick Terrace


During the afternoon I relax a little bit and hang after my thoughts at Rotorua’s Starbucks. Everything is here relaxed. Even the Starbucks doesn’t rush to get your coffee. Very clearly - that is fine, not bothering at all (or as it would be i US) and is fully in line with the NZ habits.
After coffee I move on to the mineral pool at the Top 10 Camping ground.
I was sitting in the pool and chatting with a German Lady and her English husband, Kelvin, about photography and proper use of the equipment for almost one hour. That was too long, getting out of the pool killed my circuit. I was getting unconscious almost, but only almost.
The good news is my muscular stretch in the left calf got better.


A Pub called „Pigs & Whistles“ is the target tonight.
For food. I need a proper steak. With the experience and the warm assistance of the team I will be back tomorrow night.
A band is on stage too.

Pict.: Bar
Pict: Pigs & Whistles


2013 HPTrum