Heading towards Takaka today. Nelson- Takaka is about a 100km distance. A brief deviation to Abel Tasman will add another 35 kms.
A usual distance these days.
Right outside of Nelson - some living spots
Into the Abel Tasman area
Sandy Bay.
On the way out of Abel Tasman.
Fern trees - A relict of T Rex’s days. In NZ you find them at each corner
The round and flowing shape of mountains show their volcanic heritage.
Golden Bay.
Traffic would be the wrong word to describe the activities on the road on the way from Abel Tasman to Takaka.
I forgot to count cars, but I would guess that 30 would be too high a number on the next 50kms.
Takaka is close to the Pupu spring - in full length the Waikoropupu spring. Famous for their clarity. I will visit them tomorrow morning.