NZ 2013drop by drop

Escape from the weather at Wellington

Wellington - Still low hanging clouds, still pouring rain.
I’ll hit the road for 170 km to get to Castlepoint Lighthouse Northeast of Wellington.

The long arm of bad weather is holding clouds over Castlepoint. But it started to improve slightly and I did make a couple of shots.
Back in the hotel I found out that about 70 shots did disappear. I hope my CF Card is still intact. I’ll find out tomorrow.
The day was valuable to at least have some exercise.
Ce la vie.


On the way back I found a chaotic & picturesque little stream with dead trees. The only one picture of the day.

Pict. 20: Deadwood.


An incident pushing adrenalin to the limit made me pull in a recreation area and made me have a 1,5 h nap on the driver seat.
I was falling asleep while driving. I had to pay the toll for jet-lag and little hours of sleep per night during the recent couple of weeks.
Scaring is I must have slept something for one or two seconds looking at the distance travelled with closed eyes. A more awaken guardian angle seemed to have guarded me closely.

From a non-spiritual perspective I was wearing my „Best Luck“ Tee. Choosing it was intuition that morning . No damage to me, to anybody else or to the car.


Back in Wellington the weather had started to turn to the better, my adrenalin level hadn’t.


2013 HPTrum