NZ 2013drop by drop

Mt: Taranaki

Weather will change. I pull the Pouakai Walk forward as it will rain tomorrow.
The three sisters would have fallen off the plan. Lucky me, I was there already.

At the end of Mangorei Road the bush path to Pouakai hut starts. In order to seen Mt. Taranaki from close you need to get to Pouakai hut and summit.

Approaching the start point offers beautiful pictures already. It will be a great day today .

Pict. Taranaki

Pict: Taranaki again

To climb the approx.5km distance and 700m in height the bush path offers 5000+ stair steps. Uphill null problemo.
Stairway to heaven.

Pict: Almost flat path, usually one step is next to the following one.

Pict. Roots and stones where no wood track was present.

After 1h 20mins I reached the hut. The projected time was 2h 15mins.


I went on to the ridge above the hut and down to a mirror lake and spent 2 h waiting for Mt. Taranaki to get out of the clouds.
He was grateful to me.

Pict: Mt. *?’*** (forgot the name)

Pict: Mt. you know it

Pict. Mt. no comment


Until catching Taranaki I killed some time by hunting a dragonfly (using my camera!).
To get this hmmh ok picture I needed another 100 I could delete Happy.

Pict. Dragonfly


5000+ steps downhill feel like a stairway to hell. Be cautious with your knees.

Pict. Stairway to Hell


A great day. Phantastic landscape and not one other tramper on the track.
We were two en route

me and myself.


2013 HPTrum