NZ 2013drop by drop

Tongariro Alpine Crossing finally

The weather on the Tongariro crossing was better than yesterday, but still -3C on top with constant rain and fog drizzle on this side of the volcanos.



we started at 6am the crossing. You couldn’t see the mountains behind that white wall really.
Traveling was imagination that day. No visual delicatessen unfortunately.
The target was to get over the mountains in a good time. Having lacked jogging and any other sort of exercise besides stretching during vacation so far, I could do something for my metabolism.
The crossing was done in just 5:30h. Keep in mind I was carrying a 18kg backpack and a unpractical tripod with me.
The good news is no pain on the next day Happy

Here are some impressions.
I don’t call them photos due to the weather....


older Volcano lava stream on there track


In case volcanos get active, get out of the yellow marked zone. OK. That are some kms :_)


That close you had to be to see the Emerald lakes. Or better to not see the lakes Happy

Some light on the track

2013 HPTrum