NZ 2013drop by drop

Direction Waitomo

Relaxing start today.
Kicked off laundry and went to Raglan for a breakfast.
Coffee and a spicy apple-cake.
When paying at the counter I could see a tip glass for the waitresses.
It was written on
„Tippers make better Lovers“.
I could not resist to comment on it. Happy

I was driving through beautiful landscape , but kept it for my inner sensor.

I was hanging o to my thoughts and was humming and singing with the radio songs during he „back to the future“ Sunday show.

In Kawhia I started to take pictures again.
A nice color assembly of a boat and the pale environment was kicking it off.

Pict. 37: Pale & Boat

I wanted to get a coffee and something to eat here. But the smell at the coffee shop and the size of the village made me move on.
Poor and very remote explain it best for Kawhia.

I was driving the scenic road around Kawhia Harbour, a harbour done by nature not by men.
That route is not hit by tourists that often.
When you drive by any other car or by any other person, they smile and greet you.
The road is so narrow, that partly no middle line is drawn. The line would be under the car, not to the right of it. Happy. That narrow is the street.

Pict. 38: A pond at the Kawhia Harbour Road

Pict. 39: At Kawhia Harbour

Pict. 40: Bridge at Kawhia Harbour


Moving on to Marakopa Falls now.

Pict. 41: On the Marakopa Road

Pict. 41: Makaporo Falls normal shutter time

Pict. 42: Makaporo Falls long shutter time

Pict. 43: A B&W detail shot

I went out for a beer or two.
I had always good conversation and contacts during the recent weeks.

I met three „Wandergesellen“ - A shrinking German tradition for „carpenters“ under education. (1% of the persons in education, still travel, the others don’t) .
They have to travel without own mobility, like for instance an own car or even an own bicycle. They basically work for regionally typical wages. In some cases for board and lodge only. They on’t own anything besides their „uniform“.
I was learning a lot that night. And I was really surprised when they entered the pub that evening to see the „uniform“ of the „Wandergesellen“. Another German term is „...auf der Walz“.
They are hunting for a contract. In Waitomo they have done some chairs & benches. They will move on to Rotorua tomorrow.

I will buy them another beer provided I’ll meet them at Rotorua later this month.


2013 HPTrum